Trends from 1B transactions. Download our annual Consumer Trends Report (as seen on The Today Show). Get your copy
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Demand picked up as warmer weather thawed much of America, but a refinery fire marred an otherwise encouraging month.
Sanctions on Russia led to a rise in crude prices, while a cold snap suppressed fuel demand. Get your full trend update here.
Cold weather and the holiday season brought expected declines in demand. Plus, we take a closer look at c-store metrics.
Despite a rise in holiday travel, fuel demand still fell month-over-month in November. Get a full look at the numbers here.
Take a closer look at how we built our Fuel Trends data series.
Sign and rack prices are expected to fall this time of year, but disruptions brought about by inclement weather have changed the story.
Aligned with year-over-year trends, we observed low sign prices and foot traffic at U.S. stations. October should hold more of the same.
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